Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Studio Production, Week 3

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Create 10 "Active" lower-thirds using your reporter title
5. Use digital juice or Adobe templates as foundation for your project

Monday: Turn in first official script and begin filming
Tuesday-Wednesday: film , drop video, create graphics, begin to edit
Thursday- Edit
Friday- Finalize and export

10/6- New finalize and Export date
**Since you decided to use Monday for PROJECT DAY instead of Friday, your final export date was extended.

***I believe you need one full period to finalize your projects

10/7- Watch projects
10/8 Keyframes

**Lower thirds must be exported to a sep. folder in you J3 folder. Name it 10 lower thirds
Due date: 10/8
*Dear Journalism 3,

This has a rough week. The scripts were lost, power surged, we added segments and you created the WVW Chaos (fun but chaos), and you still managed to pull off great productions.

I have to be honest, I was very nervous on the WVW day. Once I announced quiet on the set, the entire class was silent. People immediately grabbed the scripts and started practicing. The camera people huddled together and came up with a game plan. They coordinated with the director and floor director to try to make the production work.

People who had computer jobs helped in other areas.

The greatest part of this, I didn't have to yell, tell you what to do or point like a crazy teacher...........YOU ALL WORKED TOGETHER TO MAKE A NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE SITUATION POSSIBLE!!

However, your efforts did not stop there, you made sure enough people were present to pull off production on Wednesday. (Thank you for giving up the fair....this is dually noted in my grade book!)

A special thank you to Sarah, Whitney, Chelsea, Megan and Britt for getting the scripts and organizing the studio during this difficult time.

The anchors are starting to click....smile ....talk....yeah!!!!!

The sports guys are bringing in scores and adding lively conversation!!

Megan and Rachel....thank you for helping me organize!!! You know how to handle my mess of paperwork! I can't wait to see the new graphics!

On a bright note, the class created ideas for amazing segments! Your proposals sound exciting. Please stay focused, and you will have an outstanding show!


Let's keep up the momentum.

Here's looking forward to next week!
Mrs. C.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Studio Production, Week 3
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)
-We will begin to review possible segments on Tuesday

4. This week, students will run through production

Mon- day 1 positions,
Tues - day 2 positions
Wed.- days 1 and 2

Thursday - official tape and critique

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

\9/8- 9/12
Studio Production, Week 2
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH.

4. This week, students will run through production

Mon- day 1 positions,
Tues - day 2 positions
Wed.- days 1 and 2

Thursday - official tape and critique

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tuesday, 9/9



Read chapter 5 in the News Writing Text

(Pages 113-134)

Take notes as you read, there will be a quiz

Thursday, September 04, 2008

9/4 and 9/5

Goal: Anchor orientation

Students will begin to try out for anchor spots

1. Students will read live scripts
2. Students will begin to explore all areas of the control room and set
3. With the assistance of the JA's, students will utilize cameras, switcher, title maker, audio, mics, lights and teleprompt machines
4. Students will explore studio positions utilizing actual scripts

9/8 Project 1

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Project 1
80's Music video
1. The class will be divided in half
2. Each group will be assigned a JA as an executive producer
3. The class will watch a collection of music videos
4. Each group will brainstorm song titles and ideas/ concepts for their group projects
5. JA's will assign positions
6. Each student will receive a performance check

Before a script can be submitted, the following work must be turned in to Mrs. Christian:
A. Paragraph
B. Story boards
C. Song/ lyrics
D. Position lists

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

9/2 and 9/3
Goal: Anchor orientation

Students will begin to try out for anchor spots

1. Students will read live scripts
2. Students will begin to explore all areas of the control room and set
3. With the assistance of the JA's, students will utilize cameras, switcher, title maker, audio, mics, lights and teleprompt machines