Monday, May 04, 2009

Final Exam Option 1
WELCOME TO MY LIFE – Journalism III Final exam

Min. 5 minutes with 3 sec of black in front and back 5 :06 min)


Narration (must be filmed in studio/ voice over)

2 segments must be filmed in studio- The rest can be personal video

Titled segments


Initial concepts and formal theme paragraphs must be turned in by Friday 5/1

Written Components:

Formal Concept paper:

Master Script (Includes all spoken parts, directions for positions listed below, essential details, and extra direction if needed)(These must be SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS....NOT VIDEO STUDENT 1)

Director Script
Audio Script
Mixer Script
Camera Scripts
Position List
Prop List
Studio Set Up
Music list with printed lyrics for approval
(These scripts/ lists must include specific wording, directions and detail. Failure to turn in each script will result in a deduction of 50 points each.)

You are allowed to start filming on Monday

Only two cameras may go out a night, and you may only take one out once each week.


Each group is going to organize a news broadcast
The following will be turned into the teacher. Please make sure that each person has their own copy of the following. This is required to receive full credit for the project.
1. Script Elements of the Main Production
- Elements must be turned in by Friday May 8th

-One Master script
-One script for each camera person with camera directions indicated on script
-One script for the director with all directions written on the script
-One script for the switcher with switching directions on the script
-One script for the audio person indicating which mics to be open and closed during each section of the production
-One script for the floor director with all directions from the director’s script

2. Details of the main production:

- One script and one outside outtake filmed by Monday May 11th. (The script must be turned in by Friday, May 15th)

3. Completed by Final Exam Day
- Complete edited version of the outtake
- A master chart of each show indicating segments in order of broadcast
- A list of people who can serve double duty backups
- A segment script (should be turned in as a section from the main script) I should receive short scripts for each section.
- Must product 5 segments.
- The main group being graded must set up the studio before production which will take place at 8:00 a.m. Every 5 minutes of waiting time will result in a grade deduction.
- A VHS tape of the production must be turned into the teacher following the production

4. Evaluation (Turned in by end of class on Thursday, June 4th)
- The class must create a rubric
- The class must create a separate score sheet aside from the rubric

Productions start May 13.