Monday, October 06, 2008

Week 4
Key Dates:
10/6- New finalize and Export date
**Since you decided to use Monday for PROJECT DAY instead of Friday, your final export date was extended.

***I believe you need one full period to finalize your projects

10/7- Watch projects
10/8 Keyframes

10/14- Finalize segments. Make changes, alter audio and clean up edits.
Please export by the end of the period.

Sarah A, Chelsea S or Megan N- Please make the script for tomorrow. Save it in your j3 folder. (IF the girls aren't on this blog today, please remind them to do the script)

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Double productions with new talent.

5. Create a programming guide for new segments.

Keep up the good work guys!!

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media