Monday, December 14, 2009

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will work on their news packages due on 12/23

**Journalism Assistants: Your packages are due on 12/16

All class journals are due ON Friday. (Keep working on your short film)

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will work on their news packages due on 11/25

All videos must be exported by Wednesday, 11/25.
We will view, peer edit and grade all videos on Wednesday, 11/25.

**Journalism Assistants: Your packages are due on 12/2

The entire class will work on their SENIOR VIDEO PROJECT DUE ON 12/3.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
11/16 - 11/20
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will work on their news packages due on 11/25 (Next week)

All videos must be exported by Wednesday, 11/25.
We will view, peer edit and grade all videos on Wednesday, 11/25.

**Journalism Assistants: Your packages are due on 11/18

The entire class will work on their SENIOR VIDEO PROJECT DUE ON 12/3.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, November 09, 2009


Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will complete a NEWS PACKAGE.

All videos must be exported by Wednesday.
We will view, peer edit and grade all videos on Wednesday.

**Journalism Assistants: Your packages are due on 11/18

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26-October 30

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will complete a NEWS PACKAGE.

All videos must be exported by Friday.
We will view, peer edit and grade all videos on Friday

All editing and exports must be completed by Thursday.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 11- October 19



Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will complete an 80's music video.

All videos must be exported by Friday.
We will view, peer edit and grade all videos on Friday

Also, Students will be introduced to a VIDEO CONTEST

This is a 30 second public service announcement

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

October 5- October 9
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

This week, students will create an 80's music video.

Monday and Tuesday:
Before a script can be submitted, the following work must be turned in to Mrs. Christian:
A. Paragraph
B. Story boards
C. Song/ lyrics
D. Position lists

Wednesday- Friday: Tape and import

10/12-10/14: Finalize video
All videos are due on 10/14

Monday, September 28, 2009

No production until Tuesday, 10/6

Lesson for 10/-10/7

Project 1
80's Music video
1. The class will be divided in half
2. Each group will be assigned a JA as an executive producer
3. The class will watch a collection of music videos
4. Each group will brainstorm song titles and ideas/ concepts for their group projects
5. JA's will assign positions
6. Each student will receive a performance check

Before a script can be submitted, the following work must be turned in to Mrs. Christian:
A. Paragraph
B. Story boards
C. Song/ lyrics
D. Position lists (Submit by WEDNESDAY)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Studio Production, Week 3
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)
-We will begin to review possible segments on Tuesday

4. This week, students will run through production

Thursday - official tape and critique

Project 1
80's Music video
1. The class will be divided in half
2. Each group will be assigned a JA as an executive producer
3. The class will watch a collection of music videos
4. Each group will brainstorm song titles and ideas/ concepts for their group projects
5. JA's will assign positions
6. Each student will receive a performance check

Before a script can be submitted, the following work must be turned in to Mrs. Christian:
A. Paragraph
B. Story boards
C. Song/ lyrics
D. Position lists

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, 8/27- Wednesday, 9/2
Goal: Students will review and discuss camera directions and angles.

Students will review two worksheets.

Students will discuss the following planning and technique tips

Students will choreograph a project

(From our books) Tips:


PLAN -If you plan your shots in advance you'll get your shots more quickly. Directors of big budget films frequently create tight drawing called storyboards of every single shot in their movie before they every start a camera, a process that could take months. However, I will settle for doodles of each shot and camera angle/ change.

Plan...but be ready to improvise, too. It's like singing a song. You don't need to know the whole thing, but don't start without knowing what the tune and first verse are.


A good video trick is a short video trick. If your idea takes more that a page to describe, it's probably too long.


You must be believable. If seven books fall on your foot, react in pain. It is essential that your audience believe what your are doing on film.

(Hideous acting can be great only if it is incredibly bad!!)

Basic elements:

Coordinating a scene is very much like choreographing a dance move. All participants must rehearse...this includes the production staff.

Establish your shot- Give the audience a big first view so they understand the context of your production. Capture the entire set/ background/ scene.

Camera Angles- see worksheet

The 180 rule- When you are shooting a character, stay to one side of them. If you are filming the right side, do not switch to the left. This will leave your shot awkward and unbalanced.

Eye line match-This is two or more shots. Show your character looking something or pointing to it. Hold this shot for a few seconds, then cut to what they are looking at. Be sure that the second shot is shot from his/ her eye level and angle.

Over the shoulder shots- switch back and forth between your subjects

Action shots- Mike stands on a bench, looks down and jumps. As he begins to jump, cut to a different view.

The Dolly shot- move with your subject. Sometimes it is easier to roll with your subject.

**Storyboards are required and MUST match up to your video. You will only receive 50% of your grade if you cannot provide this element of planning.

Project: Staging

1. Review video sample

2. discuss established shots. Create secondary storyboards

3. discuss shots and sound effects


1. Open with a wide shot. Include both characters in one shot from one side. Stick with this side for this shot.

2. Hold the established shot and let characters take a few swings and cuts at each other.

3. Practice so everyone knows where each person is working and acting

-You must memorize all steps and actions.

""ll start with one jab. You duck. Then you do two jabs , and I'll duck. Next,...)

The sound effect person must practice too.

4. In the middle of a swing, stop the camera and switch to a new point of view, over the shoulder. This way you can use the momentum of the action to carry through the cut. It keeps the action moving)

5. The big trick. Shoot over the shoulder . If the camera man backs away and zooms in, you'll create an illusion that the fighters are much closer than they really are.

-Camera will be in full zoom 5 to 6 feet away from the subject

-The fighters are always too far apart to actually reach each other. On top of which, everybody knows what is going to happen's practice!

Add sound effects and let's get started!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Journalism III is a television broadcast course that focuses on the planning and implementation of the daily production of BASH TV (Berwick Area Senior High Television).

During the year, students will study many angles and techniques of broadcast journalism.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Final Exam Option 1
WELCOME TO MY LIFE – Journalism III Final exam

Min. 5 minutes with 3 sec of black in front and back 5 :06 min)


Narration (must be filmed in studio/ voice over)

2 segments must be filmed in studio- The rest can be personal video

Titled segments


Initial concepts and formal theme paragraphs must be turned in by Friday 5/1

Written Components:

Formal Concept paper:

Master Script (Includes all spoken parts, directions for positions listed below, essential details, and extra direction if needed)(These must be SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS....NOT VIDEO STUDENT 1)

Director Script
Audio Script
Mixer Script
Camera Scripts
Position List
Prop List
Studio Set Up
Music list with printed lyrics for approval
(These scripts/ lists must include specific wording, directions and detail. Failure to turn in each script will result in a deduction of 50 points each.)

You are allowed to start filming on Monday

Only two cameras may go out a night, and you may only take one out once each week.


Each group is going to organize a news broadcast
The following will be turned into the teacher. Please make sure that each person has their own copy of the following. This is required to receive full credit for the project.
1. Script Elements of the Main Production
- Elements must be turned in by Friday May 8th

-One Master script
-One script for each camera person with camera directions indicated on script
-One script for the director with all directions written on the script
-One script for the switcher with switching directions on the script
-One script for the audio person indicating which mics to be open and closed during each section of the production
-One script for the floor director with all directions from the director’s script

2. Details of the main production:

- One script and one outside outtake filmed by Monday May 11th. (The script must be turned in by Friday, May 15th)

3. Completed by Final Exam Day
- Complete edited version of the outtake
- A master chart of each show indicating segments in order of broadcast
- A list of people who can serve double duty backups
- A segment script (should be turned in as a section from the main script) I should receive short scripts for each section.
- Must product 5 segments.
- The main group being graded must set up the studio before production which will take place at 8:00 a.m. Every 5 minutes of waiting time will result in a grade deduction.
- A VHS tape of the production must be turned into the teacher following the production

4. Evaluation (Turned in by end of class on Thursday, June 4th)
- The class must create a rubric
- The class must create a separate score sheet aside from the rubric

Productions start May 13.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3/14- 3/17

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45
2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Sing It Update:
Tuesday: Students will review script with Sarah and make plans for filming tomorrow
Wednesday: Video tape

Project Update:
Group projects will be due by the end of the period on Friday

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Weeks of 3/23 and 3/30
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45
2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Sing It Update:
3/23: Students will finalize song project
-Make sure each song is exported into the proper folder
-Do your best!

-Monday and Wednesday: film Sing It
-Drop, Edit and Cut

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Week of March 9

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45
2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Sing It Update:

Monday: Finish judging auditions
Turn in your score sheets

-Select clips for actual show

Tuesday: Each group will be assigned a music genre
Each group member will be responsible for creating 2 graphics from each decade ranging from 1960's - present....60, 70, 80, 90, 2000, 2005+...yes, I included 2005+ to incorporate current songs. Yes, Sarah, I know that 2005 is not a decade!!)

That means each person will create 12 graphics.

You will be graded on the graphics.

You will create the first verse and the full verse.

(You must start bringing in music immediately....guess what darlings, this is due on FRIDAY...NOT EXCUSES!!)

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media

Thursday Projects: Will be postponed Until next week
We will be planning our reality singing show "Sing It"

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Week of March 2

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45
2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Sing It Update:

Monday: Prepare for auditions that will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday (Yes, they start tomorrow)

-Please turn in a list of who will be here for tryouts

-Write down your name and the period you will be here

-Make sure songs are imported for tryouts

-Make sure any necessary graphics are ready

Tuesday and Wednesday: Tryouts

Thursday and Friday: Review tryout tapes

Select candidates for the show

Select clips from tryouts to use in the beginning of our episode.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media

Thursday Projects: Will be postponed Until next week
We will be planning our reality singing show "Sing It"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week of February 23 - February 27
Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Thursday Projects: Will be postponed for two weeks
We will be planning our reality singing show "Sing It"

Monday, 2/23- Tuesday 2/24- Students will begin to formulate official plans for the show. Students will gather in a large group and discuss particulars for the show.

Wednesday, 2/25 - Thursday, 2/26 - Students will block scenes for the segment. (These will be turned in on Thursday, 2/26)
  • when blocking a scene, you must incorporate all participants, camera movements and backgrounds
  • consider the size of the area where you will be taping
  • include wires and mics
  • use nothing closer than a medium will be incorporating graphics......the lines to the songs as your participants sing

Friday, 2/27- initial walk through with camera movements

-Also, set tryout dates

-Particulars: BASH TV presents Sing It
-Participants must sign up by 2/19
-These projects are due on Monday, 2/9 (NO EXCUSES!!)

This week we will be also be creating graphics (guest stars: teachers)

Please work with your assigned Journalism Assistant

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Week of February 17 - February 20

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Projects: All weekly projects will be due on Friday....NO EXCUSES

Question of the Week
Senior Question
Student Pulse
Cooking with Kitchen
Nikki's fact segment

Advertising: show opener and promo / sign ups
-2 people per group ...Must sign up
-Show opener: Ashton and Katie

-Particulars: BASH TV presents Sing It
-Participants must sign up by 2/19

Please work with your assigned Journalism Assistant

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media

Monday, February 09, 2009

Week of February 9 - February 12

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Student Pulse
Cooking with Kitchen
Nikki's fact segment

Advertising: show opener and promo / sign ups
-2 people per group ...Must sign up
-Show opener: Ashton and Katie

-Particulars: BASH TV presents Sing It
-Participants must sign up by 2/19
-These projects are due on Monday, 2/9 (NO EXCUSES!!)

This week we will be also be creating graphics (Intro, FYI, Sports and Weather for our special shows featuring guest stars: teachers)

Please work with your assigned Journalism Assistant\

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Monday, February 02, 2009

Week of February 2

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Question of the week
Cooking with Kitchen
Nikki must come up with a project: FYI

Monday: All music must be given to the graphics people
Song graphics are due on Tuesday
-The prop group will turn in a list of props and the props must be here by Thursday (0r the entire class will receive a 25 point deduction for each day that all props from the list are not here)

Advertising: show opener and promo / sign ups
-2 people per group ...Must sign up
-Show opener: Ashton and Katie

-Particulars: BASH TV presents Sing It
-Participants must sign up by 2/19
-These projects are due on Monday, 2/9 (NO EXCUSES!!)

New FYI graphics

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Happy New Year!!

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45

2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a sequel

Monday: Students will discuss the types of shows that have sequels.
-Students will brainstorm ideas for sequel projects
-Groups will be assigned.
**Rem. weekly segments are still due on Thursday

-Plotted storyboards and camera directions must be started
-A formal script and specific camera direction and stage direction must be submitted before the day of Pre-taping (formal rehearsal)
-All groups will be shooting in studio
-If your script does not indicate a camera movement or change, 25 points will be deducted each time a movement occurs that is not indicated in the final script
-final scripts must be submitted two days prior to pre-taping.
Friday: All initial scripts, paragraphs, lists and story boards must be turned in for 75 points.

Your show will be sponsored by two companies of your choice.
-Two commercials from each sponsor will appear in each show.
1 -15 second spot and 1 -30 second spot. (First show)
1- 15 second spot and 1 30 OR 45 second spot in the SEQUEL

8 commercials total for both shows

-Limit your show to two types of transitions
-A voice over must appear in the first show
-You must use two tutorials in each show....These must be indicated in each script
-A list of all music must be turned in
-You may have two outtakes in each show....not required.
(The rest will be filmed in the studio)

-You must assign a position to ALL members of the class.
**May I suggest selecting carefully...You will be graded on the, if your directors don't have a clue, your grade will reflect their abilities.

-There must be a pre-production meeting with entire staff. Inform camera people, graphics, studio people, directors, etc. of their jobs and the particulars of the production being shot.