Sunday, March 08, 2009

Week of March 9

Students will produce a daily "Live" production
Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:30 and begin actual production at 7:45
2. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production
3. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students in groups A and B will complete a segment video project for BASH.
4. This week's project: Creating a singing show

Sing It Update:

Monday: Finish judging auditions
Turn in your score sheets

-Select clips for actual show

Tuesday: Each group will be assigned a music genre
Each group member will be responsible for creating 2 graphics from each decade ranging from 1960's - present....60, 70, 80, 90, 2000, 2005+...yes, I included 2005+ to incorporate current songs. Yes, Sarah, I know that 2005 is not a decade!!)

That means each person will create 12 graphics.

You will be graded on the graphics.

You will create the first verse and the full verse.

(You must start bringing in music immediately....guess what darlings, this is due on FRIDAY...NOT EXCUSES!!)

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media

Thursday Projects: Will be postponed Until next week
We will be planning our reality singing show "Sing It"