Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Opening Activity:
In your notebooks, comment on the linked news package:

Write your responses in your notebooks.
Camera Angles/ Movement
Students will identify important visual terms (such as long-shot, close-up, camera angle) that are used on television and in movies and begin to recognize that these angles/ movements affect meaning.

Camera Direction/ Angles
Students will review camera direction, angles, transitions and key elements to planning a video project.

Students will review two handouts on camera direction/ angles
Students will discuss a packet entitled: Lights, Camera, Action


Why is it important for students to be aware of camera-subject distance, perhaps before addressing any other aspect of movies and television?

Television is made up of hundreds and thousands of pictures, called shots, each of which must be carefully planned. The long shot, medium shot, and close-up (and many other camera-subject distances such as the medium long shot and extreme close-up) are the basis of editing in movies and on television.

Without these shots, the person who edits the movie, TV show, or commercial would have nothing to work with. Editing, in nearly all cases, is the combining of long shots, medium shots, and close-ups to create an effective visual presentation. Camera-subject distance is the basis for visual editing.

It is essential for students to have a clear understanding of camera-subject distance before they begin to analyze television programs and movies and before they begin to create their own productions on video.

Assessment: (Monday, 8/29) Students will be given a quiz on all of the terms and packet

Closure Activity: Now that you have reviewed all angles, what types of camera angles do you see in the linked video? Write your responses in your notebooks

Please post your comments using the comment section on the blog.
1.1.11H Demonstrate after reading understanding and interpretation of nonfiction
1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced

Each day you will be required to complete a closure activity.
1. This is a graded activity
2. You will use the comment link below
3. Be sure to include your FULL NAME, CLASS PERIOD, AND DATE on each entry
4. The entries must be completed on the assigned day
Today's closure: In a few short sentences, please

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