Monday, January 07, 2013

Keep the Drive Contest

Bell Ringer:

Students will have a brainstorming session before each LIVE production

-Students will discuss plans and expectations for each production

Goal: Students will produce a daily "Live" production

Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

Students will be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.

Students will create alternate graphics for a special segment

Students will brainstorm, plan and implement ideas for a new segment


Students will stop, view and critique their work through each phase of production

Teacher/ Students will brainstorm before and after production; Students/ teacher will evaluate each production and assess progress/ direction

Peer evaluations

Informal Teacher- Student conferences

Teacher will grade projects and productions

Students will practice script implementation, studio equipment, placement, angles, movement, cues, cuts, audio, video,

Studio procedure:

1. Each day, students will arrive at 7:20 and conduct a pre-production meeting.

Students will brainstorm and plan for the daily production.(Students will incorporate camera movements and angles from the current lesson.)

2. Students will begin actual production at 7:40

3. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

4. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. This week, students are working on a contest video:

This week's project also includes working on a segment for the senior video. Individual assignments are posted on the main door.

1. Students must select and finalize the driving laws to be utilized in their contest News Package

2. The topic of the package for the contest video must be relevant after the taping and submission date (EX. don't work on a package that will "be old news" by the time it airs)

3. Planning Sheets AND Scripts

4. Filming and Importing

5. Editing

6. Grading

PLANNING SHEET - If you need to turn in a new one NAME:______________________________


2. Angle: (What EXACT point do you hope to accomplish?)





7. Ideas for background video:

8. Overview footage Ideas for Voice overs:

9. SCRIPT: Be sure to include your paragraph in your final packet

Due each Friday: FRIDAY JOURNAL FOR FILM PROJECT -All students must turn in a weekly log indicating the progress of their final exam. This week, your check will be worth 50 points.

Initial concepts and formal theme paragraphs must be turned in by Friday 5/1

Written Components:

Formal Concept paper:

Master Script (Includes all spoken parts, directions for positions listed below, essential

details, and extra direction if needed)

Director Script

Audio Script

Mixer Script

Camera Scripts

Position List

Prop List

Studio Set Up

Music list with printed lyrics for approval

(These scripts/ lists must include specific wording, directions and detail. Failure to turn in each script will result in a deduction of 50 points each.)

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 graphics

1/2-1/4 - Happy 2013
Bell Ringer:Students will have a brainstorming session before each LIVE production

-Students will discuss plans and expectations for each production

Goal: Students will produce a daily "Live" production

Students will work on a weekly project and learn new video/ production skills

Students will be able to incorporate camera directions and angles into an original production.

Students will create alternate graphics for a special segment

Students will brainstorm, plan and implement ideas for a new segment

Assessment:Students will stop, view and critique their work through each phase of production

Teacher/ Students will brainstorm before and after production; Students/ teacher will evaluate each production and assess progress/ direction

Peer evaluation
Informal Teacher- Student conferences

Teacher will grade projects and productions

Students will practice script implementation, studio equipment, placement, angles, movement, cues, cuts, audio, video,
Studio procedure:

1. Each day, students will arrive and conduct a pre-production meeting.

Students will brainstorm and plan for the daily production.(Students will incorporate camera movements and angles from the current lesson.)

2. Students will begin actual production at 7:45

3. Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

4. Next, Students will work on their weekly project. Each week, students will complete a small video project for BASH. (The first project will entail students completing new segments for BASH)

- This week, students will work on graphics and segments for the spring season of BASH
- The class will make arrangements for Kelly to have an upcoming segment

(There are a lot of decisions to make. Will he be on live or taped)

1. Wednesday, 1/2- Storyboard and work on new graphic project
2. Monday, 1/7 - all graphics must be exported

Personal Assignments:
Kenzie- Opening
Margaret-Sports graphic
Jen / Alex-Daily Weather
Bethanne-  titles

Kelly- Promo for your sports segments
Taylor- Closing
Ashton- week of lunch graphics and organize rest of month
Kaitlyn- Bark Feature and disclaimer

Kaylee- Bark and disclaimer

Maddison- Sno*Ball Package
**we will be instituting the lunch menu...each person will have a lunch graphic too

Other projects to be completed: More packages: Plan for week-in guests; Special message

Closure Activity:Students will participate in a Post Production Discussion (Students will discuss the daily program, changes, positive comments and next-day production

What areas have improved? What areas need to be improved?

Standard –

1.9.11.A: Use media and technology resources for research, information analysis, problem solving, and decision making in content learning. Identify complexities and inconsistencies in the information and the different perspectives found in each medium.

1.9.11.B: Evaluate how the techniques used in media modify traditional society.

1.2.11B - use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced